How do you recognize a Common hamster’s burrow?
The Common hamster is known for its burrows almost as much as it is for hoarding food. But how can...

Have you ever seen a Common hamster poop?
Common hamsters use latrines in the burrow to defecate. This can be an important clue to determine a hamster burrow....

Hungary’s Last Common Hamsters
Legal hamster hunt in Hungary Although the Common hamster is threatened with extinction worldwide and is strictly protected in the...

End of Shooting on the Hamster Field
With the harvest in the fall of 2022, the Common hamsters also go into hibernation. This also means the end of filming for our documentary "The Last Common Hamsters". Nature filmmaker and ecologist David Cebulla filmed hamsters over two years.

Crowdfunding Campaign for the Common Hamster
In just one month we were able to collect 5.040 Euro for the project. Thanks to every one who supportet "The Last Common Hammsters"!

Crowdfunding Trailer for the Common Hamster
Interested in a new documentary? Here is the trailer of David Cebulla's upcomming film "The last European Hamsters".

Black Common Hamsters
Black common hamsters? They exist! Their snout, paws and a spot on their chest are white. In Germany the black hamster occures in Thuringia.

Endangerment of the Common Hamster
Many hazards for the critically endangered Common hamster are either directly or indirectly linked to modern agriculture.